Change is Coming, Make way for CD-R King LED Light Tube #DIYHome #CDRKingCares #CDRKingOfficial #CDRKingChangeiscoming


Change is Coming, Make way for CD-R King LED Light Tube #DIYHome #CDRKingCares #CDRKingOfficial #CDRKingChangeiscoming

Disruption in technology has changed the way we live. As the cliché goes “Nothing is permanent except change”. What seemed to be a harmless household product, later on proved to be harmful in the long run. Years after fluorescent was discovered, it was found that fluorescent gives off a small amount of ultraviolet light and that 8 hours of exposure under a fluorescent light is already equivalent to an hour of sun exposure.
Further studies also associate conditions like migraine, stress, mood swings and eye strain to prolonged exposure to florescent light.

Environment issues on fluorescent is also a great concern. Fluorescent contains a small amount of mercury. Careless disposal can affect the ecological system.

These studies has prompted most household to switching into CFL during the last few decades which was considered less harmful but still contains fluorescent, thus mercury is still present.

The invention of LED has saved us from the long term use of fluorescent. Nowadays, you will rarely see a household which still uses fluorescent light.

Luminosity factor

If household were very susceptible to changing from fluorescent to LED light, commercial offices proved to be less flexible since they question the luminosity of the proposed light.

Larger commercial space requires high luminosity that gives a higher light output. If broken down to lumens versus floor space, fluorescent will boil down to be a cheaper source.

LED light tube

Recent innovation has given a solution to the luminosity factor as it introduces the LED Light Tube, giving commercial offices the lumens they require minus the toxins.

LED light tube gives the same high light output of fluorescent with the benefits of LED technology.

CD-R King, your one-stop media provider with its effort to help protect the environment brings this innovation closer to the general public as they offer the technology at a very affordable price.

CD-R King LED light tubes are available in T-8 10watts (php120), T-5 18watts (Php150) and T-5 20watts (Php200), all of which can last up to 50,000 hours. LED light tubes can be purchase with casing or as a replacement tube.

Available in all CD-R King branches nationwide. For more updates, Like/follow them on FB: /cdrkingph.


  1. Technology changes everything but the changes that this so-called technology may improve human's way of live, human's business, and everything which uses technology. However in the long run, those beneficial changes will also change its beneficial effect to one's life to endanger it. This proves that nothing is permanent benefits once technology is concerned.

  2. Thanks very interesting blog!


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