Some Tips to Clean Your Flood Damaged Home #DIYHome

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Some Tips to Clean Your Flood Damaged Home #DIYHome

If you area is damaged by a natural disaster then you may need to wait days for help from best remediation companies responding to high demand. In the meantime what you can do is to deal with that water damage until any help arrives.

It depends on you whether you go to choose a water damage restoration company or do the work by yourself then you must follow these tips for cleaning up after a flood.

What to do till any Professional came?

Dry your home to prevent mold growth
Open windows and doors and setup the fans to blow the air outside.
You don't want to have fancy equipment like box fans or oscillating fans etc.
Tearing up and throwing away flood-soaked padding and carpet.
Mold mostly favors wet and dark areas where there is no air flow, so you must blow air against perimeter walls.
That's the best thing you can do by yourself till you get any help from people.

Flooded Flooring: What to Know, When to Replace

If you had a water leak `or a flood damage then you will be probably worried about your floors. Here is what you need to know when considering a new floor.

How to clean up on your own

If you choose to go the DIY route, follow these tips for cleaning up flood damage.

Dry out your home
Always try to use a wet-dry shop vacuum, sump pump or electric water transfer pump to remove standing water. Try to wear rubber boots if you have to stand in a wet area.
Open all the windows and set up fans to blow air outside the home.
Toss what you can't save
Throwaway and remove flood-damaged carpet and padding
Throw away the flood-soaked items that cannot be repaired like rugs, furniture, cosmetics, pillows, foam-rubber items, wall coverings, and the paper products.
Tear out flood-soaked drywall and insulation

Remove mold and sterilize the area

Hire a professional if the area of mold is greater than 10 square feet and if the mold area is within the range in 10 square feet then you can clean it up on your own.

To totally remove the mold, try to clean hard surfaces with hot water or any dish detergent. Then take a bleach solution and disinfect an area which is infected with mold. Use a sprayer or sponge and apply a thin coat of bleach over the entire area.
Never try to mix bleach and ammonia. This mixture creates a deadly toxic gas.

Try to wear rubber boots, google, rubber gloves and an N95 respiratory mask while cleaning.

Source: annalevis

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